MathCore collects the mathematical activities at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) at a central, visible place.

Mathematical Areas

Math courses at DTU

M.Sc. courses

01018 – Discrete mathematics 2: algebra
01227 – Graph Theory
01237 – Differential geometry and parametric design
01238 – Differential Geometry
01257 – Advanced Modelling – Applied Mathematics
01325 – Mathematics 4 Real Analysis
01405 – Algebraic Coding Theory
01410 – Cryptology 1
01415 – Computational Discrete Mathematics
01418 – Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
01426 – Cryptology 2
01427 – Advanced topics in cryptology
01617 – Introduction to Dynamical Systems
01621 – Advanced Dynamical Systems: Global Theory
01622 – Advanced Dynamical Systems: Applications in Science and Engineering
01715 – Functional Analysis
01716 – Advanced Topics in Applied Functional Analysis
02110 – Algorithms and Data Structures 2
02162 – Software Engineering 2
02170 – Database Systems
02180 – Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
02191 – Computer Security Forensics
02192 – Computer Security Incident Response
02193 – Ethical Hacking
02203 – Design of Digital Systems
02204 – Design of Asynchronous Circuits
02205 – VLSI Design
02209 – Test of Digital Systems
02211 – Advanced Computer Architecture
02213 – Digital Systems Laboratory
02217 – Design of Arithmetic Processors
02220 – Distributed Systems
02223 – Model-Based Systems Engineering
02224 – Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time Systems
02229 – Systems Optimization
02232 – Applied Cryptography
02233 – Network Security
02234 – Current Topics in System Security
02238 – Biometric Systems
02239 – Data Security
02242 – Program Analysis
02244 – Language Based Security
02246 – Model Checking
02247 – Compiler Construction
02249 – Computationally Hard Problems
02255 – Practical Cryptology
02256 – Automated Reasoning
02257 – Applied Functional Programming
02258 – Parallel Computer Systems
02261 – Software Startup Studio
02263 – Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
02266 – User Experience Engineering
02267 – Software Development of Web Services
02268 – Process-oriented and Event-driven Software Systems
02269 – Process Mining
02282 – Algorithms for Massive Data Sets
02285 – Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems
02287 – Logical Theories for Uncertainty and Learning
02289 – Algorithmic Techniques for Modern Data Models
02291 – System Integration
02393 – Programming in C++
02407 – Stochastic Processes – Probability 2
02409 – Multivariate Statistics
02411 – Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments
02417 – Time Series Analysis
02418 – Statistical modelling: Theory and practice
02421 – Stochastic Adaptive Control
02424 – Advanced Dataanalysis and Statistical Modelling
02425 – Diffusions and stochastic differential equations
02427 – Advanced Time Series Analysis
02429 – Analysis of correlated data: Mixed linear models
02431 – Risk Management
02435 – Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
02441 – Applied Statistics and Statistical Software
02443 – Stochastic Simulation
02450 – Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
02454 – Introduction to Cognitive Science
02455 – Experiment in Cognitive Science
02456 – Deep learning
02457 – Non-Linear Signal Processing
02458 – Cognitive Modelling
02460 – Advanced Machine Learning
02471 – Machine learning for signal processing
02492 – Digital Learning Technology and Entrepreneurship
02502 – Image analysis
02504 – Computer Vision
02506 – Advanced Image Analysis
02507 – Project work within Image Analysis and Computer Graphics
02514 – Deep Learning in Computer Vision
02561 – Computer Graphics
02562 – Rendering – Introduction
02564 – Real-Time Graphics
02580 – Geometric Data Analysis and Processing
02582 – Computational Data Analysis
02586 – Statistical Genetics
02590 – Quantitative Genomics and Computational Systems Biology
02610 – Optimization and Data Fitting
02612 – Constrained Optimization
02614 – High-Performance Computing
02616 – Large-scale Modelling
02619 – Model Predictive Control
02623 – The Finite Element Method for Partial Differential Equations
02624 – Introduction to Inverse Problems
02625 – Computational Science in Imaging
02635 – Mathematical software programming
02686 – Scientific Computing for differential equations 1
02687 – Scientific Computing for differential equations 2
02689 – Advanced Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
02805 – Social graphs and interactions
02806 – Social data analysis and visualization
02807 – Computational Tools for Data Science
02808 – Personal Data Interaction for Mobile and Wearables
02809 – UX Design Prototyping
02823 – Introduction to Computer Game Prototyping
02826 – Sound Design for Digital Media
02830 – Advanced Project in Digital Media Engineering
02840 – Computer Game Programming Fundamentals (DADIU)
02841 – Computer Game Programming in a Production (DADIU)
22525 – Medical Image Analysis
30300 – Introduction to Spacecraft Systems and Design
42105 – Financial Products
42111 – Static and Dynamic Optimization
42123 – Optimization in Finance
47332 – Autonomous materials discovery

B.Sc. courses

01003 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1
01005 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1
01006 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1
01015 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1
01016 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1
01017 – Discrete Mathematics
01018 – Discrete mathematics 2: algebra
01019 – Discrete Mathematics
01025 – Advanced Mathematics 2 for Mathematics and Technology
01034 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2
01035 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2
01036 – Mathematical Methods in Structural Engineering
01037 – Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2 (Summer University)
01125 – Fundamental topological concepts and metric spaces
01237 – Differential geometry and parametric design
01418 – Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
01604 – Population and disease spread modelling
01606 – Dynamic Biological Modelling
01666 – Project work – Bachelor of Mathematics and Technology
02101 – Introductory Programming
02102 – Introductory Programming
02105 – Algorithms and Data Structures 1
02121 – Introduction to Software Technology
02122 – Software Technology Project
02128 – Software Project
02132 – Computer Systems
02135 – Introduction to Cyber Systems
02138 – Digital Electronics 1
02139 – Digital Electronics 2
02141 – Computer Science Modelling
02148 – Introduction to Coordination in Distributed Applications
02155 – Computer Architecture and Engineering
02156 – Logical Systems and Logic Programming
02157 – Functional Programming
02158 – Concurrent Programming
02159 – Operating Systems
02160 – Agile Object-oriented Software Development
02161 – Software Engineering 1
02170 – Database Systems
02182 – Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
02402 – Introduction to Statistics
02403 – Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
02405 – Probability theory
02413 – Statistical Quality Control
02418 – Statistical modelling: Theory and practice
02445 – Project in Statistical Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence
02450 – Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
02461 – Introduction to Intelligent Systems
02462 – Signals and data
02463 – Active machine learning and agency.
02464 – Artificial Intelligence and Human Cognition
02465 – Introduction to reinforcement learning and control
02466 – Project work – Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence and Data
02467 – Computational Social Science
02502 – Image analysis
02512 – Introduction to Medical Image Analysis
02525 – Introduction to Mathematics and Technology
02526 – Mathematical Modeling
02580 – Geometric Data Analysis and Processing
02601 – Introduction to Numerical Algorithms
02609 – Programming
02610 – Optimization and Data Fitting
02631 – Introduction to programming and data processing
02632 – Introduction to programming and data processing
02633 – Introduction to programming and data processing
02634 – Programming and data processing (second programming language)
02635 – Mathematical software programming
22400 – Design-build 4: Autonomous devices for controlling and studying living systems
27016 – Design-Build 1: Devices for measuring cell growth
27020 – Interdisciplinary bioengineering
30110 – Introductory project – Earth and Space Physics and Engineering
31011 – Engineering practices – Electrotechnology
42584 – Project work – Strategic Analysis and Systems Design

Ph.D. courses

01527 – Graph Theory II
02901 – Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
02904 – Advanced System Identification
02910 – Computational data analysis
02913 – Advanced Analysis Techniques
02923 – Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems
02935 – Introduction to applied statistics and R for PhD students
02936 – Bayesian Data Analysis
02940 – Modern Methods in industrial Mathematics
02941 – Physically Based Rendering and Material Appearance Modelling
02946 – Scientific Computing for X-Ray Computed Tomography
02947 – PDE constrained optimization
02949 – DTU Compute PhD Seminar
02952 – Communicate your research with video
02953 – Convex optimization
02955 – Pseudodifferential operators for boundary value problems
02960 – Time Series Analysis – with a focus on Modelling and Forecasting in Energy Systems
02962 – Bayesian Scientific Computing
02964 – Software Development – with a focus on Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
12925 – Principles of Programming and implementation (PoPI)
41391 – High Performance Computing: FORTRAN, OpenMP and MPI
47511 – CINEMAX: 3D modelling and imaging of material microstructure – PhD summer school

BEng courses

01901 – Calculus and algebra 1
01904 – Discrete mathematics
01920 – Calculus and Algebra 2
02312 – Introductory Programming
02313 – Development Methods for IT Systems
02314 – Introductory Programming
02315 – Version control and test methods
02318 – Elementary Programming for Diplom-E
02320 – Digital Systems
02321 – Hardware/Software Programming
02322 – Machine oriented programming
02323 – Introduction to Statistics
02324 – Advanced Programming
02326 – Algorithms and Data Structures
02327 – Introductory Databases and Database Programming
02332 – Compiler Construction
02346 – Distributed and Parallel Systems
02362 – Project in Software Development
02363 – Front End Web Technology
02369 – Software Processes and Patterns
02508 – Extended Introductory Statistics
02692 – Introduction to programming and data processing
11834 – Matematical Methods in Physics
11955 – Urban context & large scale structures
25205 – Basic modelling and statistics in R
62575 – Security in Embedded Systems

About MathCore

Mission Statement

MathCore is a hub and a showcase of mathematical activity at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). It presents and connects researches, educators, sections, topics and projects at DTU. It helps the University’s students to find projects and supervisors, researchers to “find a mathematician for their problems,” and teachers to find project co-supervisors and exam censors. MathCore conveys and advertises DTU’s mathematical activities, competencies and opportunities to the industry, to international research communities, to the Danish society and media, to policymakers, foreign students and prospective job and internship applicants. The MathCore experience and presentation are tailored to the user, be it a high-school student exploring education on offer at DTU or a specialist within a mathematical research area at DTU. For all types of users, MathCore is the natural access point for mathematics at DTU. Relevant information from DTU’s existing databases is accessible via direct links. MathCores adds value to these databases by giving an overview based on the mathematical content rather than on the organization and the structure of DTU. The researchers are presented individually and according to their mathematical interests and activities, across the research section boundaries.

MathCore is naturally located at DTU Compute, and it consists of those employees of the Department who identify as mathematicians and actively contribute towards MathCore’s stated goals.

The purpose of MathCore is to strengthen the mathematical activities of DTU Compute and make these activities more visible from outside. This includes e.g.:

  • Society, journalists and policy makers should easily be able to get an overview of the width and depth of the mathematical activities at DTU.
  • Researchers at DTU, both mathematical and in other areas of science, should use MathCore as a tool for finding collaborators or an expert that can help solve a mathematical problem.
  • Mathematical researchers looking at DTU for possible employment should be able to see what possible colleagues and future collaborators they can find at DTU.

Sections Involved in MathCore

Click one of the following sections for a list of permanent faculty.

Planned Activities

MathCore is still in its infancy. Here is an incomplete list of the planned activities:

  • The MathCore web page featuring a math-centric overview of the mathematical activities at DTU (as opposed to an organisational overview as presented by
  • A newsletter to the mathematicians at DTU and other interested parties, highlighting mathematical news at DTU or globally.
  • Broad research-level colloquia (“Nielsen lectures”) for mathematicians at DTU, interested students and other interested parties, featuring top in-house and external lecturers.
  • Workshops on teaching and of mathematics and education.
  • A calendar of mathematical activities at and around DTU, including specialized seminar series.
  • Database of success stories illustrating the application of DTU’s math expertise to industrial problems.
  • A showcase of mathematics at DTU, designed for high-school students: what can I do, and who can I become?
  • A showcase of DTU’s math competencies, designed for potential industrial partners/users.
  • A user-friendly database of current “mathematical” supervisors and projects for DTU student at all stages of study.
  • Showcases of current research at DTU Compute, including flagship projects.
  • A newsfeed optimized for media external to DTU.
  • “Find-a-problem” events, where MathCore actively explores DTU’s research environments and identifies problems whose solution would benefit from a collaboration with DTU Compute.
  • Activities organized by PhD students at DTU Compute, towards extending their professional experience and elevating their research.

Directors of MathCore

Johan Rosenkilde (, Associate Professor, Section of Mathematics)
Mirza Karamehmedovic (, Associate Professor, Section of Scientific Computing)